Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Things are sweeter in Tennessee..."

So I'm sitting here in the Q studio, chit chating with my best friend Natalie. You may know her, she talks on the radio sometimes, you should listen if you don't already :) Yesterday was pretty uneventful, I did alot of nothing and went to work... I live my life in the fast lane I know! As I'm driving in, I've just been more reminded how eclectic Westport is. I saw a guy on a moped wearing plaid bermuda shorts and a purple scarf on his head, and no one even noticed. That is Westport on 2 wheels. It made me laugh.

I'm so ready to move to Nashville. I never really thought of myself as an impatient person, but with the decision to move, I realized how impatient I am. I want to go, and I want to go NOW! I don't want to wait anymore. I love everything about the town; it has the small town feel in the city, and I love that. So if you know of anyone who is hiring full time in Nashville, keep me in mind :)

Ok, my thoughts are a little scatter-brained right now. The only cure for that is Mr. Goodcents. I think I'll go :)

Wow, how many smiley faces can I put in ONE blog?

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