Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Deal or No Deal, Chelsea & Disco Ball trophies

I figured out what I want to be for the rest of my life. I want to be a Deal or No Deal model. They work 5 months out of the year, 4-5 days a month, and make 6 figures. I want to know where to sign up. And kiss eating goodbye considering I'd have to weigh probably 100 pounds. But if I'm making 6 figures, I can pay someone else to eat for me.

I love watching Chelsea Lately, I don't know what I did before this show. Speaking of shows, I really need to catch up on my Gossip Girl, I haven't watched it in forever. I need to just have a DVD weekend, so if anyone has season 1, if I could borrow it that would be fab. I don't know about anyone else, but I think this season of Dancing with the Stars has been the best. I love Mark & Shawn and Chuck and Julianne... one of them need to win the obnoxious disco ball trophy. Just saying.

A little late, but here's our video with Taylor Swift from the ACM's! Colleen and I had fun, and we're not really sure why we all decided to make the little heart sign at the end... oh well.

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