Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Keeping Up with the Caribbean!

Disclaimer: Since I've been away from the internet for more than a week, this post may take just as long to read. Proceed at your own risk...

I'M HOME!!! Vacation was amazing but nothing is better than coming home to your own bed. For 8 days, I traded snow for sand, and returned home to even more snow. I thoroughly enjoyed the break, but I've come to conclude I was made for tropical weather.

Sunday, January 30th: So the first day was incredibly long. We had a car pick us up at 5:30am, that is entirely too early for me because that meant I had to be up PRIOR to 5:30am. I'm so not a morning person. Saying goodbye to my puppies is always hard, but this time was especially difficult since we have never left them for this long before. I know they were in good hands, but with no phone or internet to periodically check on them, I was nervous. Our flight went off without any troubles, and met some family in North Carolina for our connecting flight. The best part: Jamba Juice was in the airport. I love that place and its probably best for my waistline that there isn't one in Kansas City. Our flight from North Carolina to San Juan took what felt like forever, but we eventually made it. Once we got off the plane, it felt like the cliche "hurry up and wait" scenario. We hurry to get our luggage, then wait for Royal Caribbean to load us up to go to the boat. Hurry to get to the boat, then wait for security. Hurry to get through paperwork, then wait to get our luggage back (which we didn't get until around 9pm). The boat was really nice, our room was small for 3 people (my "bed" came out from the wall), but our balcony view was priceless. We eventually met back up with our other family members and watched San Juan disappear into the darkness when we debarked. Exhausting day!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

LSAT, Gluten Free, & Erin Andrews

Hello long lost blogging world! I know I have been neglecting you for quite some time now, and for that, I am truly sorry.

I'm debating on going to law school despite a horrific LSAT score. I think the LSAT should be outlawed. No really. I think had I banged my head against a wall for 5 hours straight, it would have felt the same. It has no indication of how you will do in law school, and how many people are terrible standardized test takers (raises hand)? But do I really want to be in school for another 3 years, and lord knows how much more in debt?

My aunt Mary was diagnosed with uterine cancer back in May. Her older sister was diagnosed a month or so before (weird). But she's done with chemo and radiation, and feeling great now. The power of prayer definitely played a factor in my opinion. Half way through radiation, she said she wanted to do something on her bucket list, which was to go on a cruise. Her older sister and her family, my aunt Mary, my Mom and I will be heading to San Juan, Puerto Rico to cruise the Caribbean. More specifically, Curacao, Aruba, Dominica, & St Thomas. It's going to be so nice to get away from the tundra that is Kansas City and all the stress that hangs around town. I'd tell you when I'm going, but in case a robber is reading this, I'm keeping my mouth shut (you can never be too cautious, right?).

I have jury selection on Tuesday. I'm less than thrilled. Although it will be somewhat fun to see how the legal system works up close. Maybe that will make my decision to go to law school or not.

In unrelated news, I'm sad to say my Vikings are done for the season. Not that they even made the playoffs, but I conclude our season was sabotaged. Allow me to explain: Everything that could have went wrong, did. Favre, Harvin, Peterson, & Rice were never healthy the same time, our (sexy) quarterback and Coach did NOT get along, Brett's scandal, Randy Moss joins the Vikings, Randy Moss leaves the Vikings, goodbye Childress, hello Frazier, the Metrodome collapses... am I leaving anything out?? I'm a loyal fan, and faithfully wore my #4 Favre jersey every Sunday (except one when I was at the Chiefs game... but I did wear a Vikings t-shirt). I hope they'll do better next year.

I miss Nashville. A LOT. On one hand, I want to just move, and find a job later. Except that little fact that I'm not rich. Or is it a sign that I haven't found a job there that I should be somewhere else?

Oh, and I found out I have Celiac disease. It sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. It's a fancy term meaning I'm allergic to wheat, rye, barely and oat products. So no more cupcakes, fried chicken, or delivered pizza. Not like it's a bad thing, it's definitely forcing me to eat healthier. I'm still a little bitter about it but I'm learning how to eat now. It's not as bad as it sounds, there's quite a bit of gluten free food in grocery stores now. I just really miss spaghetti & meatballs with garlic bread, I've had the modified versions, but it's just not the same. More and more restaurants have gluten free menus now which is so helpful. I didn't realize HOW much food has gluten, even traces of it. Like some sweet teas, who would have thought there was gluten in sweeteners? So when you all want to make me cupcakes for my birthday (March 12th, now you have no excuse), make sure they're gluten free :)

I want to be the next Erin Andrews, I think I'd be good at it. I'm not sure I can do that with a law degree though...

I promise to blog more often than once every 2 years :)